I know, Its is a little bit cheesy but I am a new mom and I have the right to be so excited about all the little things that happen in her life. So as you can tell by the title today was Brooklyn's 2 months check up. I cannot believe how much she has grown. She now weights in a whopping 11 lbs 7 oz. Crazy!!! It is so cool how healthy she is.
So yes I have a play by play of the day.

In the waiting room before her Apt.

Before & After...

Oh my goodness look at the mess we made.
I felt so bad because I had fed her before the nurse came in and that was a mistake. I did not realize that one of the vaccines was an oral and when she was taking that one she pucked all over the nurse. We got cleaned up from that then...
4 Shots

2 in the left

2 in the right

Brooklyn did so good and only cried for about a minute.

Binky was pointless until she was able to calm down for a minute.

Afterwords she got a super big sticker and has her battle wounds.
What a morning!!!
Glad everything went well at the dr. Its never easy to see your baby get shots!